Hi! I’m a student at a university in Sweden, SU.
I’m currently working on my very first project; a tower that slowly fills with lava as the player climbs it.
This is also where I’m stuck… We don’t get much help with our projects and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make the lava rise from
the bottom of the tower to the top over time, and make it lethal to the player.
I’ve played around with the blueprints, but trial and error haven’t gotten me anywhere.
We’re working exclusively in UE4 atm, with access to most demos (for example, the lava demo im using for lava) and assets.
Please help
Hi, I saw you got the answer to this in another forum, but don’t forget in future you can also post this kind of question on AnswerHub, which is an ideal place for exactly this sort of thing.
Good luck!
Closing this thread since it is a duplicate. Here is the other post: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?36516-Lava-level-Help!