Help with a Blueprint setup

I’m looking to make a random selection that’s initiated on begin play.

Basically I just need to know how to set something up where on begin play, the event runs and then runs 1 of the 6 functions I have connected to the selector.

Use Switch from Int and input random number between 0-5 in to it, Switch will have action outputs which will trigger depending which Int is inputed.

Can you do it yourself and show me what the blueprint looks like? I would be super grateful. Thanks!


What I was trying to accomplish is some dynamic level design through just allowing some pathways in my level to be open at a time. The engine would randomly select which pathways would be open by this process.

For anyone wondering how to do the same thing as me, here’s how I did it:

As you can see, I set up “Switch on Int” to run every time the level begins. What this does, is every time the level begins, it randomly selects one of the sequences. This is done by using a random integer on the “Selection” input of “Switch on Int”.

These are how my Sequence functions look:

What these do is pretty self explanatory, but I’ll do so anyways.

It’s running the function that was selected by the Switch on Int, then destroying the selected actors in the world. (The pathways that I wanted it to destroy)
