Help VDB files maybe with cloud generator glitched

Hi, I’m trying to produce a short clip in unreal engine. I use the cesium plugin for a worldmap and vdb clouds from this tutorial: https:(//
Before I used vdb files I tried it with volumetric clouds and a cloud generator (still in the project but not used).
I created my scene and I went though the process with a few difficuluties (for example I made the clouds brighter with the texture and light sources under the clouds).
Then I render out my scene (must use lit because I’m in a game level) the clouds stack up and turn their clone 180°. So I have a Burger Cloud ; ) You can see this in the pictures. The sus thing is that it happens in the cloud file so they add texture and don’t duplicate the hole file. There a 3 vdb cloud files which are jsut fine everytime.
My fix is, that I restart => then delete and paste the cloud generator (the cloud generator shouldn’t do anything with vdbs) and then the clouds are perfectly fine again. I repeated this process three times and I have redone all the vdbs. Pls help
I copied a few vdb cloud actors (heterogenous cloud actor) to get the same cloud, is it a problem to use the same Material Instance in diffrent clouds (10 diffrent MI for 20 clouds)