Help updating Spout plugin

Hello folks – I’m trying to update this old Spout plugin for UE5.4: GitHub - TrigonVirgo/Spout-Unreal at 5.0

After fixing a few small issues (which you can see on my fork), I’m stuck on a bigger one at line 209 in SpoutBPFunctionLibrary.cpp:

HRESULT openResult = g_D3D11Device->OpenSharedResource(newFSenderStruc->sHandle, __uuidof(ID3D11Resource), (void**)(&newFSenderStruc->sharedResource));

It fails with

[2024.07.03-14.58.58:228][241]LogD3D12RHI: Display: D3D12 CreatePlacedResource failed with params:
	Heap Type: 1
	Heap Flags: 68
	Resource Dimension: 3
	Resource Width: 1280
	Resource Height: 720
	Format: 2
	Resource Flags: 0
[2024.07.03-14.58.58:818][241]LogD3D12RHI: Error: hr failed 
 at D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Resources.cpp:989 

Has anyone seen this error before? There is some talk of just having to update your drivers, but I’ve tried that. Plus, previous versions of Unreal+Plugin work just fine for me.


Just commenting to boost visibility here.

This is a much needed plugin and currently OWL has a monopoly over it. Getting this to work would help creative tech guys out so much.

Bumping this post as well.

I recently reached out to someone who’s contributed to the TouchEngine plugin to see if they can update to 5.4. Like you I want to just send texture data from TD to UE and TouchEngine OR Spout would be viable options. Like others have noted OWL is incredibly overkill for my use case, and I’d rather not pay them or the few other marketplace options $100+ for what should be a simple plugin. Even if I could get JUST Spout for say $20 I’d be down to do that.

bump - much needed!

Hi, great that you try to revive this very useful helper. Have you made any progress?

I made a Plugin for UE5
Only tested on UE5.3, But other version should be fine