Hope we’ll help her cuz as i see she’s motivated at this periode of time & if the campaign failed i think she’ll get a really big frustration :rolleyes:
Why the need for quotes around “girl”? Is it in question?
Looks a bit scattered, I’m seeing three separate game engines and either 10 platforms covered in the book itself or a promise that you’ll be equipped to handle 10 platforms after reading the book. Mobile, Console, and Desktop development are all different enough that I’m leery, and trying to fit all that into one book could be a problem.
It looks like the book is going to be written in Arabic and then translated to English and French? But it’s only going to cost $1000 for those two translations? That seems fishy to me, though I’ve never hired a translator I’ve looked into pricing, and it seems like for a decent sized technical book it’d be something like $5000 to $15000 for a single language.
I’m skeptical, but I wish them good luck, and I’d be happy to be proven wrong.
I say this without trying to be mean at all, it’s clear that English isn’t their primary language, and that’s okay, but if they’re trying to appeal to an English speaking market (and I say this knowing full well that it will be in other languages, but English is the only language on that page, so that’s what I’m basing the assumption off of), then they should perhaps look into getting someone who speaks the language fluently to proof-read it. It comes off rather unprofessionally to be asking for money to write a book, but have it look the way it does, especially when it’s littered with little smiley faces. I know it’s meant to convey friendliness, but when you’re dealing with other people’s money and faith in a product, you don’t want to come across as if you’re writing a text message.
I couldn’t agree more with what’s already been said by others. They really should have put more effort into ensuring the proposal was actually spell-checked, for a start. I’m amazed by the lack of dedication some people put into their campaigns. They’re asking for people to invest money, at the end of the day.
I really think you shouldn’t have dubbed this as an ‘Introduction’ to Unreal Engine book. It clearly isn’t. It’s focus isn’t directly on this engine specifically. It covers multiple engines. There’s far better content aimed directly at UE4 available already here on the forums and through various vendors (Digital Tutors, 3DMotive, Solus, etc).
The breakdown of her costs also seem massively misguided. She shouldn’t be worrying about the cost of printing a specific amount of copies (I mean really, $4000) or marketing expenses. Those alone total half of what she apparently requires to make this happen. Sounds widely sketchy to me. She could cut that cost directly by simply publishing this through digital channels; such as Amazon. At that point, your marketing cost is relatively inexpensive (or nil), considering the majority of your audience is available directly here on these forms.
Similarly, she doesn’t even go into a breakdown on the other expenses. Why is the translation fee so unbelievably cheap? Then, what is the so-called ‘workers salary’? Putting that aside, this simple statement (even igoring the grammar) doesn’t exactly scream confidence: “BeCause you don’t need any previous knowledge , just read & You’ll be able to make games.”
From what I can tell, she has no former experience in writing educational books (if she does, she hasn’t stated it or made it clear, which isn’t a great sign). I truly believe you have to have a specific skill-set when it comes to teaching such things, as is evident with the sheer amount of tutorials that I’ve seen that have been utterly terrible. Simply put, this just sounds like a far-fetched plan on her part.
I personally won’t be investing and I’d be surprised if it’s successful. If there was a true desire to write this book, I’m sure she could do it and sell it upon the merits of it’s quality - assuming it’s there.