Hello to you, I am putting you in dispute, I have an ASUS ROG laptop PC with a secondary screen (which is set to main).
- I7 7700hq 2.80-3.60 GHz (Intel HD Graphics 630)
- 16GB of ram
- GTX 1050TI
In Geforce Experience I disabled the Battery Boost and in the Nvidia control panel I set the main card for everything and even just for the GTX program. In the processor settings I set them to be 100% all the time, so it is almost all the time around 3.60 GHz. My problem is that I installed UE 4.25.3 when I start it it loads the assets well and once finished I just move my mouse without clicking and after 5-10 seconds it completely freezes so to close it I go to the manager tasks and when I do “End task” the pc freezes completely and I have to do a force restart before. I put the log of the project and of the UE but I admit that there does not seem to have anything. I also post an old journal from another project where there are errors, moreover in the logs there are:
[2020.07.26-22.50.00:168][715]LogD3D11RHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (0.5 s) (ErrorCode 00000001)
PS: Sorry for my english.