In the next function I see how I would expect it to look, even with a skipped ‘return’ keyword : at least the return type is defined so I can understand how the function knows what to expect
oh goodness, with 30.30 came documentation updates and I am astounded at how detailed and awesome they are. Bravo and thanks so much !!! These are so amazing.
I have another question regarding the template if anyone is able to help
I was able to successfully implement the template and created the island Dusty Diner Dirtbike Dash. I am really thrilled with the quality of this template, and how everything worked so well right out of the box.
The only thing I can’t get to work is skipping the lobby visit on any round after the first - it doesn’t detract from gameplay, and in fact I think I want to ensure that this is how it happens, but in the code it is mentioned that if it isn’t the first round, the lobby visit should skip directly to the starting cinematic.
However, my racers always respawn in the lobby at the start of the round and the pre-game timer sequence is initiated. I am not worried about it because I think it provides a little breathing room between races, but am curious if it is working correctly for others.
Well nevermind, it appears that in my most recent release it is working correctly I don’t think I changed anything… So maybe it was a problem with private vs published version? Thanks though