Ok so I came back to a small project i started a couple of months ago and am confused on why this works the way is does? I’m confused on why this ref to self allows me to posses other pawns not of same class and instances of the same class, because I would think this code would just keep possessing the pawn I started out with?
K thx will give it a look
Cuz i guess the self command is made to a specific character. Is not a general command…
Not sure but i think you were able to manually chose who you link it with…
Try to see:
Blueprints and Gameplay for Game Designers - The First Person Player Character |
Blueprints and Gameplay for Game Designers - Opening Using a Blueprint Interface
Mby those videos could be helpful…
Sory, try also see there is "opening on overlap, is targeted on self comand. But i wouldn’t know where he implements “Self” function, or assigns it to a target, mby is already automatically made. So somehow would need to edit “Self” command settings, not sure how to do it, tho…
Is probably what self function is targeting. But i wouldn’t know how can change that ;D
Mby these links will help -
https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/105987/view.html |
Or this search bar - https://answers.unrealengine.com/search.html?q=self+blueaprint&c=22&type=question+OR+idea&lang=en&sort=relevance&author=&productVer=default&questionStatus=all
Update!!! Odd thing now, same code but can no longer possess characters from other classes can still possess instance of class which is to be expected, so obviously something changed idk what that is tho? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
neither thx 4 help tho. think i just gotta play around
The reason I could posses other characters is because i had duplicate code in another BP that when the message to Pawn hit was called, it would find the event pawn hit first in the other BP calling it to posses its self and vice versa