Help, Twinmotion 2022.2 Preview 2 not working. No way to open Preview1 files anymore?

Today, I tried opening a TM file I need to work on. Since there seems to be a new version available I was prompted to install that. I did so, and my files prompted to get upgraded to the new version.

That's where it all goes wrong. Twinmotion 2022.2 Preview 2 wouldn't open.

So I un- and reinstalled twinmotion 2022.2 Preview 2, then rebooted. Tried opening the software directly to see it gets stuck on the loading screen. The circle keeps rotating in the bottom left, but it does so endlessly and never gets to open Twinmotion. Previous versions opened in seconds.

I issued a repair of the launcher, logged out and in, and reinstalled 2022.2 Preview2 again. Reboot. It still doesnt load / gets stuck like above.

So, I uninstalled 2022.2P2 and install the last version, which is 2022.1.2. This version opens normally. Hurray! When I'm in, I cant open my TM files. The files build in 2022.2 Preview1, arent recognized as a real version:

Just to make sure: all worked fine even yesterday with 2022.2Preview1. Now preview 2 doesn't work I cannot open any of my Preview 1 files. Is there any way to install Preview 1 again? I'm supposed to update my model in a weeks time 😯 ...

Kind regards,


Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community and sorry to hear about the troubles. Twinmotion files are not backward compatible so it will be important to figure out how to get Preview 2 working on your machine. Twinmotion 2022.2 Preview 2 gets installed on top of Preview 1, there might have been some issue somewhere during the process and we will be able to help you address them.

Would you be able to contact us directly via the [ Contact us ] button from the home page and fill out the installation form, you can also follow this link:

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Hello, I have the same problem with the loading screen.

I have not updated any version, because I have the latest one and until yesterday it was going well, however when I went to start it today it stays on the infinite loading screen, it does not open the program completely, and it is not frozen because the loading icon keeps moving. Does anyone have an idea what can happen?


C’est peut-être un souci de dll, de registre ou une Kb de Windows qui met (comme souvent) le « foutoire ».

Tu peux essayer :

-Passer en configuration « Windows Super administrateur ».

-Te donner « toutes les autorisations ».

-Mettre en veille antivirus et Windows Defender.

---> Tu peux, par la suite, mette TM dans la liste blanche de ton antivirus.

-Désinstaller TM avec un soft type Revo Unistaller (Supprimer l’ensemble de TM).

---> Par sécurité fait une sauvegarde de Bibliothèque perso TM.

-Réinstaller l’application TM.





It may be a problem with the dll, registry or a Windows Kb which (as often) puts the "mess".

You can try :

-Switch to “Windows Super administrator” configuration.

-Give you "all permissions".

- Pause antivirus and Windows Defender.

---> You can then put TM in the white list of your antivirus.

-Uninstall TM with a soft type Revo Unistaller (Remove all of TM).

---> For security make a backup of Personal library TM.

-Reinstall the TM application.




TM version 2022.2

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.

I'm getting this issue as well. In the log file, I see no error messages; in fact, the last thing it says is "initializing engine..." and then nothing. I have uninstalled the launcher, the programs, deleted/moved all of the configuration files and folders with no luck. I have installed several versions and got Twinmotion 2021.4 to run, then installed 2022.2. Still no dice.

I am l going through this exact scenario right now. Everything was working fine then I had a couple of sequential crashes. I went to re-open TM...and it just hung at the start. I can hear it fire up the fans on my video card, and the screen stutters for a second, like something is going to happen, but it just spins. I have submitted my log to TM, but I am kind of freaking out as my work was due last night. I was able to hop on another workstation and output what I need. However I expect changes this weekend, and I NEED my software working.

Older version work, but that point is moot due to a lack of backward compatibility.

I have tried:

-deleting the config file

-uninstalling and wiping the registry---4 times

-updating the video drivers, rolling back video drivers, switching from game ready video drivers to developer designer drivers

-checked firewalls for whitelisted items for TM

Last crash the log says basically:

[2022.09.09-05.05.07:599][261]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb] Last tracked GPU operations:

[2022.09.09-05.05.07:599][261]LogD3D12RHI: Error: No Valid GPU Breadcrumb data found. Use -gpucrashdebugging to collect GPU progress when debugging GPU crashes.

[2022.09.09-05.05.07:599][261]LogD3D12RHI: Error: DRED: No PageFault data.

[2022.09.09-05.05.07:602][261]LogD3D12RHI: Error: pResource->Map(Subresource, pReadRange, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pData)) failed

at D:\tm\workspace\Release-2022.2\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12RHIPrivate.h:1185


[2022.09.09-05.05.07:602][261]LogD3D12RHI: Error: GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed.

Use -d3ddebug to enable the D3D debug device.

Use -gpucrashdebugging to track current GPU state.

[2022.09.09-05.05.07:614][261]LogWindows: Error: Error reentered: Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 684]

pResource->Map(Subresource, pReadRange, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pData)) failed

at D:\tm\workspace\Release-2022.2\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12RHIPrivate.h:1185


I would be happy to submit crash logs if anyone wants them.

PLEASE I need help.


Jared Hopkins

Just had this solved per Twinmotion support:

If the issue persists after, we have seen the issue resolve by deleting the entire contents of the Twinmotion2022.2 folder in that location. However, it is likely only one folder is corrupted. Can please first make a backup copy & try deleting the folders individually, beginning with the Config folder, then QuixelCloudLibrary, SketchfabCloudLibrary, etc., and let us know if you are able to open Twinmotion after deleting a certain folder?

Based on the log provided, it last loads just before requesting the category tree from Quixel, so I am hopeful deleting only the Config & QuixelCloudLibrary folders will resolve this issue for you.

Thanks again TM Support, you guys rock!

Hi ,

Please try to delete the config file and restart Twinmotion.

The config file can be found inside:


If that does not work, please uninstall Twinmotion and reinstall it.

Please let us know if this fixes the issue.



First of all thanks for your answer. Before posting the comment I was reading the forum and first tried what you say, delete the configuration. After seeing that it still didn't work, I reinstalled it and the same thing, I also tried uninstalling the latest windows updates and nothing.

Recently the preview 2 got updated to the full 2022.2 version, I hoped that would solve the issue. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Like Manuelgo97 I tried deleting the config file. Still no improvement. Twinmotion freezes on startup screen / is unresponsive.

I've verified with colleagues their copy of Twinmotion works fine, so it doesn't seem to be a company software related issue.

Anything else I can try?