Help trying to get access to the microphone on the Quest 2

Hi, I’m building for the Oculus Quest 2.
I was part way through building a game and was able to use the microphone in game without doing anything specific.
In the meantime the Quest updated itself and now can’t use the mic.

I went to “installed apps” and my app is there but only “storage” is there as a permission. There is no microphone with the toggle.

In one of the blueprints after event begin play I put a “request android permissions” node
and used the string “android.permission.MICROPHONE” and another string “android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO” but when I start the game I don’t get asked for permissions.

Help pls


Have you tried restarting your headset?

Yeah. Unfortunately didn’t work.

The answer for me was to include the Voice SDK as a plugin. Seems pretty obvious, but yeah without it, not sure you can get mic access.

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