Hi, I am interested in changing my laptop for a new one and I don’t know which one to buy, I would like UE5 to work correctly. My must are: less than 1500€, 1T SSD, 32RAM, and good design. I would appreciate any help in finding a good laptop!
I think the most important thing for UE Dev is having a laptop with a ‘discrete graphics card’ (as opposed to something with integrated graphics reliant on the CPU)
I also think 4k (and even high refresh rate screens) are overkill - The less stress on laptops in terms of resolution of frames generated and frequency of frames generated equates to a cooler and quieter experience. (UE Laptop Protip - limit the FPS of your editor viewport to keep laptop fans quieter, it will try to crank out 120fps by default)
Ask yourself if having a num-pad is important, think about the size-weight of your current laptop (maybe you don’t move it much so a more powerful, heavier laptop would be appropriate)
Go to a store and try to get your hands on some models to get a feel for what sort of build quality you like.
I needed help with this last week and my post wasn’t approved by the Mod here and I am really really new. I am currently studying in Coursera by Epic Games. I even posted over there for asking help and for some reason my post was either deleted or I can’t find it. I was using older Mac and I needed help from anyone who could direct me in the correct path cuz my UE5 wasn’t launching. I ended up spending money getting new PC that around $2000 so I can study this and I truly hope that you will get your answer or help. Don’t buy laptop, just get a PC.