I’m looking for assistance in adding a displacement option to my parent materials. While most online tutorials demonstrate adding displacement to a simple material, I’m seeking guidance on integrating it into the parent material itself.
Since I’m not very experienced with materials, I’d greatly appreciate any help you can offer.
I’ve been looking for a tutorial or example for this also. Since the 5.4 nanite tessellation is new, we might have to wait for the more experienced community members to start posting more details about this.
Disclaimer: I do not know if this is the correct way, but - I was also looking and couldn’t find anything so I tried something and it seems to work. I went into the material function and copied the AO section. I renamed it to Displacement and Displacement Strength. I then went into the material tree and used the Blue node of the AO texture to hook it into the Displacement section. I then used the material instance to add displacement. Screenshots attached.
Be sure to enable Nanite and tessellation. The Displacement Strength does not do anything so it can probably be eliminated and simply use the “real” displacement feature in the MI.
Now plug this displacement map in the Material Instance and you’ll have the desired result. (Please ensure Nanite Displacement and Tessellation properties are enabled)