HELP (staff)..UNABLE TO SUBMIT PRODUCT: "Service temporarily unavailable" message.


Unable to submit changes of product, a red sign saying “Service temporarily unavailable”, over and over

What type of bug are you experiencing?

Distribution / Publishing Live issues

URL where the bug was encountered

Steps to Reproduce

  • Pressed Submit
  • Cancel immediately after submitting (forgot something)
  • Made changes
  • Try again to Submit
  • Message “Service temporarily unavailable” in red

Expected Result

Submit succesfully

Observed Result



Safari 18.0 & Microsoft Edge (latest)

Operating System

MacOS / Windows10

Additional Notes

Server seems to be stuck between processing approval and cancelation


I can confirm that the issue is ONLY happening with that single product. I tried with another one and it was successfully Submitted. (still need help), thanks

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Did you manage to solve this? I’m facing the same issue after cancelling after submitting to edit something I forgot.

No. Still same issue. I tried re-upload all formats, removing 3d previews, deleting cache, history… nothing works.

If staff hasn’t answer here is most likely they didn’t know and are working on it. They definitely on a time-limit because the store can’t open with such a serious bug. It freezes your assets permanently. :man_facepalming:t2: :stop_sign:

I have same problem. After hit “Submit for review” and cancle submit of my list. I landed on this issue for 2 days. I use Chrome and Firefox and try to find out how to solve it.
I hope, supports would read this.

Thanks for your report. We’re working on fixing something that sounds like that but we’re not 100% sure that it is the exact issue that you’re reporting.

Could you please give me the listing ID (the alphanumeric part of the listing URL, example below) so that we can take a look and I can get back to you with a more useful answer? :slight_smile:

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Hi Abby, sure no problem.

Listing ID:

Any update? It still doesn’t work but now I’m not getting that error. Just nothing happens when I try to submit.

No update yet, unfortunately. In the meantime, I recommend reaching out to support:

They should be able to help reset things so that you can proceed with product submission.

Do you know if the listing will become “Live” automatically once FAB opens?

If your listing has been approved and set to automatically publish, its status will show as “Live” and it will become visible to the public when Fab launches.

If your listing has been approved and you selected manual publication, its status should show as “Pending publication” and it will not be visible to the public unless you publish it.

I’m aware of that. What I mean is that the Listing is “Live” on UE Marketplace but is now stuck in “Draft” in FAB.

So my question is, will it stay stuck until someone fixes the server issue or will it automatically turn “Live” when FAB launches?

Thank you

Ah, ok. Apologies - I had misunderstood the question. If it’s stuck in draft, it won’t automatically switch to live. If you have products that are stuck in this draft state, I recommend sending the product IDs (i.e., the alphanumeric string in the listing URL) to support so that they can reset things and you can attempt resubmission.

Does that answer your question?

Yes it does, thank you. I reached out to support to reset the listing but no answer from them so far. I just don’t want the FAB team to leave them forgotten and stuck forever. It was a months of work to get them approved and not seeing them at lunch day is disappointing (besides missing $ from sales/promotion).

Still two weeks to launch… but let’s hope they at least notice it so they can help us reset it.

Yeah the same here. I contacted support multiple times but they didn’t respond after I provided details about the bug.

Just a quick note that if you need to contact support, this is the correct link:

I used that link. Got this response two days ago:

“Please attempt to submit again. If you receive any errors or unexpected behavior, please let us know.”

So I return a screen recording to help them out. I don’t think it’s as easy as reseting the listing. They’ve struggled for a while now.

Hi Abby. Can you help us? nobody is answering or following up this Bug.

Thank you

Hi @elemento , let me try to chase this for you

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Thank you @Katerina :pray:

Yes please help to solve this issue.