I have an imported static mesh. The uv that sets the texture position is UV index 1. The UV that sets the lightmap is UV index 0. I can set the lightmap index to 0, but I cannot find ANYWHERE where I can set the texture UV index to 1. And I can’t find it referenced in any of the docs. What am I missingn?
Open your mesh in the editor, go to “Static Mesh Settings”, expand the section, change the Light Map Coordinate Index to the number you want … in my example it is set to 1.
Yes, that is how you set the lightmap index. I’m trying to find out how you set the TEXTURE uv index.
Oh … my bad … should not respond to posts so early in the morning. 8-{
I’ve always plugged a TextureCoordinate node in the material editor to change the UV index. But I believe UE4 creates hard edges on your mesh where there is UV seams on the first UV index, which may cause issues with your normal map. I’ve always swapped the channels around in my 3d package if I needed to change the order.
thanks - that does seem to be the easiest way to deal with it. A little tricky since Modo lists UVs alphabetically.