[HELP] Set Actor Location is working but not updating visually


I’m working on a plugin and I am facing a very weird problem.

I use SpawnActor<AProp> to spawn a cube at a certain location (AProp is a custom class inherited from AActor). Then, I use AddToRoot on this object.

After that, I use the Tick event with Set Actor Location in it to set a new location each frame when I hit Play.

The problem is: When I hit Play, during runtime, the actor is not moving, I don’t see its move… But locations are updating well in console log at each Tick and after I close the game window, the actor’s location is the good one.

What could be the cause ? What should I check ?

(I tried a similar configuration with blueprint nodes and it worked as expected)

Thanks !

im having the same issue, if you fixed tell me pls