Help Scaling Healthbar widget in screen space based on distance to camera

Hey, I need some help with a floating health bar above player and other players heads in game.

I currently have it set up where a health bar widget (just a progress bar in a canvas) is floating above the head. in the character blueprint I have it set to screen space.

This works fine as it stays above the head always facing the camera even as the players move around.

The issue is the widget stays the same exact size regardless of the scale of the player on screen. I need the health bar to scale accordingly to maintain correct size and scale based on distance of the viewer.

I would assume this can be handled in the material of the widget but I can’t seem to figure it out or find anything relevant when searching. I’ve seen a few people post similar stuff but no real solutions that avoid updating on tick in the widget component which I would like to avoid.

Below are what I have now.