Help saving game variables that are in my game instance?

I have my game set up where all the variables i need to save are within my game instance, but i have no idea if i can save the files there or how to do so. I have floats, Booleans, and name variables in the game instance, but i don’t know how to save them or how to load them when playing the game. could anyone help? anything is appreciated :slight_smile:

What is your end goal for saving them in the instance? are you loading a new map?

If yes You’ll want to Use a BPI (Blueprint Interface) to send all your data in your blueprints to the game instance to carry over to your next level. After that you can use the same BPI to transfer data back into your blue prints.

This video does a good job at explaining it

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I am trying to get it so when i close the application and rerun it, it will save all the data and load it in such as points or money the player has earned.

Here is the documentation for Saving and Loading a game, and here’s a tutorial:

And here’s another one with a little bit more explanations:

Hope these help :blush:

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