help rotating - prop mover


Wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.

I can’t rotate stuff using the prop mover. even the rotation options aren’t accessible.

It seems a pretty basic thing that we should be able to do right?

Can someone please help.

Is this something that has to be done using verse? i dont mind if it is but given the options are right there in editor that also seems odd.



I’m facing the same problem so if somebody does have the right solution, I’ll be glad to hear it.

Hope somebody help us soon.

The using { / } Class has a MoveTo function you can use, You can supply the position by passing it from the Prop you want to rotate, and change the rotation by passing a different rotation value, The last parameter is for how long it should take. Here is some suedo code that can help you get started. Look into the spatialmath Module for more guidance.

#Setup Basic Transform Information
set PropTransform = PropToRotate.GetTransform()
set PropPosition = PropTransform.Translation
set PropRotation = PropTransform.Rotation

#90 Degrees in Radians
Radians := 90.0 * (3.14 / 180)

#Need to supply Degrees in Radians to rotate to PropToRotate
PropToRotate.MoveTo(PropToRotate, PropToRotate.ApplyRoll(Radians, 1.0), 4.0)

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Thanks very much for taking the time to reply. I did figure out that my only option would be to use MoveTo.

I was just hoping to use the functionality which is already clearly there (in prop mover).

It’s a shame Epic hasn’t opened this feature up to everyone on the release of UEFN. I guess re-inventing the wheel is what is required in this case.

I did notice the setting was grayed out. It is something simple that you would think doesn’t need to be overly complicated but here we are lol. On that note, I don’t think Verse even has a constant for PI so if you need the prop to stop exactly where it started (360 for example) it likely wont.

Verse does have a built in constant for Pi: PiFloat.

Thank you for pointing that out, I see it is included in the Verse Digest. I checked for this in the UEFN documentation and did not see it.