help rotating character

how do i make my character rotate with my rotating disc when stepped on? the disc spins but my character doesn’t

This is fairly simple, all you need to do is to use the built-in “movement base” functionality in the CharacterMovement component. When your Character is standing on the platform, Unreal will treat that platform as the Character’s ‘base’ and will apply its rotation and movement updates accordingly.

Of course, you need to make sure that the platform is set as a valid “base” first.

Then on your character blueprint, verify the rotation settings, make sure that bIgnoreBaseRotation is set to TRUE if you want it to follow the platform when the character is standing on top of it (its probably false by default so it doesn’t also rotate following the platform underneath it if you don’t want it)

Something like: GetCharacterMovement()->bIgnoreBaseRotation = true; if I am not mistaken


Hey there @Bryan5851 and @victordiaz! Welcome to the community! As Victor mentioned, assuming you’re using the base character movement component, your character’s base rotation is determined by the Ignore Base Rotation variable inside your character movement. Caution, some dizzy gifs ahead!


With this value on:

With this value off:


ok im not sure what happened but its working now. victordiaz and supportiveEntity Thank you for your help

im not sure why but my player was not colliding with the platform. i raised up the disc and my player would walk right through it after inspecting everything i just deleted the cylinder, added a cube and changed the model to a cylinder resized it and now it works, not sure what i did wrong

I’m glad it works now! When a collision is too small, or in your case too thin when that close to the ground, it’s possible it wasn’t being “stepped up on” and being ignored as a base. Try to avoid excessively small or thin collisions (or objects in general) when working with Unreal Enigne, as some systems don’t scale down to sub-unit levels very well.

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