Help Request - Where to start on making an attack "wave" emanate from an attack/animation?

I apologize in advance for the word salad, but what I want is kind of hard to describe. So, the most basic way I can put this is that I want to create dynamic “attack wave” for a Boss character. The closest example I can think of the is Moonlight Greatsword special attack from Dark Souls, although that is probably just a simple projectile with a really good but hard-set particle effect.

In my mind, how this function works is that the swing of the Bosses sword (Called in an animation on a notify state) determines the shape of the “wave” that spawns out, similar to a weapon trail particle. Then, that wave moves outwards (I suppose at the midpoint normal direction?) and grows as it moves, within certain bounds. It then collides and does damage and etc. etc.

While I could certainly just do a fixed arc particle that shoots out from a notify, and just gets the target location as a destination, I think a dynamic arc that gets its shape/data from an animation would be what puts my Boss over the edge of basic… but I’m not entirely sure where to start, specifically where/how to start gathering the Arc/Wave info in Blueprints. Any tips or advice if you have an idea or have done something similar would be greatly appreciated!