Where do i have to use admob app id ( like “ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713”) in my project
according to admob i have to use it in my sdk
but in ue4 there is only a option for app id is of play console app id.
is it necessary to use it ?
i know its a dumb question but this is first time m working on android or admob.
September 9, 2020, 4:40pm
Did you find an answer to this question, I’m in the same situation right now.
Actually u only need is your AD id from admob.
The admob app id has no use for unreal.
November 11, 2021, 12:29pm
For the ads to show up in the app, sure we don’t need app id. But how about user metrics and other statistic on AdMob? Will AdMob still be able to generate those without using the app id?