Help Plz! Vertical Curved Progress bar( Health/Mana) Hud

im trying to make a vertical health mana bar similar to SpellBreak.
Any help will be appreciated.

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You can do this with a material. Basically you want some kind of vertical progress bar widget (a rectangle shape which exists in UMG) of which the sides are masked away to appear curved. you can do that with a material. If you don’t know the math or don’t want to use math for it, paint a texture mask (black white in GIMP. The downside of that is that a texture mask is resolution limited and math is not.)

Made an example mask:


Btw nice idea, reminds me of Timesplitters, I loved that UI.


yea from what i can gather thats how its done but not sure about the math stuff
learning this stuff is very tough. i always wanted the information in the view instead of at the corners

The easiest way is to load that image I sent as a texture sample in the material .uasset and use it as a mark for a progress bar widget.

Option B If you want to mess around with the math to get an output which is not restricted to a pixel resolution you could take a look at these references to learn the basics:

Or this image from I think Unity which works the same in UE:

Freya Holmer also has an amazing youtube channel with info about math and shaders:

This video also shows how to create shapes :slight_smile:

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:1st_place_medal: She deserves way more recognition!