So I’m getting a repetitive error from unreal about two different eslate visibility functions, however, these functions work properly. I’m having some difficulty understanding why these are triggering an error. These blueprints came from the Action RPG Inventory system on the marketplace. If anyone has any experience with this project, or if you have any ideas as to why these errors would be getting triggered pls help i’m a little at wits end trying to track this down.
looking at your errors both errors are related to the same issue. The HudRefrence Actor is currently returning nothing. I’d need to have the marketplace blueprint to really go any further, but whats going on is that they aren’t referencing one of the widget actors properly so either you need to add something to your scene or you need to reference the Ui actor yourself manually.
This could have something tod with your Gamemode. Does the Store item come with its own GameMode? Try using that. Alternatively perhaps you deleted some text from a Widget?
Thanks for the response, it appears it does have to do with the game mode. I’m attempting to merge two separate projects each with their own game mode. it appears i’ve overlooked something with the game mode as it doesn’t throw an error when using the content game mode
Based off of that I narrowed it down to the player controller I’m using causing the problem… now i just have to find it. Thanks