help PLS with the Movable Scalable Widget

Hello everyone!
I would like to know how to make this widget (Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris - How to unlock Sword Skills (All 9 Weapons Guide) - YouTube 0:18). I want to make a widget so I can move it around, zoom in and out, but it shouldn’t be a picture, it should be a widget that I can interact with.

You could do a skill tree using this:

Or search for Skill Tree on the Marketplace.

What to do ? I repeated it exactly as you did.

To start with, it seems the canvasses are not even correctly sized here. The inner one must be larger than the outer, for example.

How do I set up the correct size for it?

You then may want to:

Ctrl+Shift+Click it. So it’s centered.

I mean, do take your time to go through the script. You will need to understand fully how it works in order to use it. How am I supposed to even know what you did. You might have forgotten to set default values for variables, for example.

The default values are correct

If you open the original project, it works, right? Not sure what kind of remote telepathy magic you are expecting here - I can’t tell what is going on on your end…

Step through the script, see what is going on. Debug it.

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Thanks so much for your help anyway.

Hello, is it possible that your MinZoom variable is “too” big ? I’ve encountered the issue present in your gif when I’m zooming out too much.
I think the fix is to either change the “Clamp Sides” function to better fit your needs or not use it (although it means your users will be able to “lose” the widget by going out of bounds)

Edit : In my case I fixed it by adding a Get Abs 2D node right after the minus node in the Clamp Sides function

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