Help Please, Error Packaging Project -Unreal Engine 5.2.1

I want to package my project but there is an error message. how to fix it? Thanks

This is Error :

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: Mesh && Mesh->GetRenderData() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\StaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 4828] PackagingResults: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: Mesh && Mesh->GetRenderData() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\StaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 4828]

Did you look at the code? What does line 4828 in StaticMesh.cpp say?

I use Visual Studio 2022 (17.7.3 V) to open StaticMesh.cpp lines 4823 - 4832


FStaticMeshRenderData& UStaticMesh::GetPlatformStaticMeshRenderData(UStaticMesh* Mesh, const ITargetPlatform* Platform)

{ TRACE_CPUPROFILER_EVENT_SCOPE(UStaticMesh::GetPlatformStaticMeshRenderData);

check(Mesh && Mesh->GetRenderData()); 
const FStaticMeshLODSettings& PlatformLODSettings = Platform->GetStaticMeshLODSettings(); 
FString PlatformDerivedDataKey = BuildStaticMeshDerivedDataKey(
	BuildStaticMeshDerivedDataKeySuffix(Platform, Mesh, PlatformLODSettings.GetLODGroup(Mesh->LODGroup))); 
FStaticMeshRenderData* PlatformRenderData = Mesh->GetRenderData(); 

line 4828 in StaticMesh.cpp
check(Mesh && Mesh->GetRenderData());

I am a beginner, how do I fix the error. Thank You


I found this post:

Yes. Finally the package is complete. I found a solution. “disable nanite for landscape to all maps then save” . it took about 15 minutes to complete the package (11 GB). Thanks :slight_smile:

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