Hi! How’s it going? It’s Amy P from UDK forums
I’m migrating my Third Person Shooter game from UDK to Unreal 4 and I’m facing really annoying problems. I’ve never asked for help when I was using UDK, not a single moment. However, Unreal 4 is kicking my b… head… hard. I’m an artist, not a programmer. Please, forgive my rough coding terms ahead.
MY QUESTION: Set Direction isn’t working in Event Graph in Blueprint Animation. Apparently, only Set Speed is working. I tried multiple “fixes” I read over the internet and no set up is working for me.
I hit the wall in a very simple function: Calculate direction. I tried THIS and THIS to fix the Exec. node missing. No joy.
It’s one of my setups (ONE of them, because I tried to connect Set Speed and Set Direction in different order, casting different characters like Cast to Character and Cast to ‘my character’):
I started with a simple locomotion system that I can change States with the player equipping a pistol… in theory:
For WALK State, I have this (A simple blendSpace1D with movement based on Speed):
For COMBAT State (the player equips weapon and the pawn moves like in “Use Controller Rotation Yaw” is checked like in any shooter, you know. It’s a BlendSpace based on Direction and Speed):
Here’s my Blendspace based on direction and speed variables:
Equip Weapon in my Blueprint character class (Yeah, I setup an Input, assigning key ‘E’ for the equip weapon button):
For this issue, I’ll try to create other states without using Calculate Direction in Locomotion. I know it’s doable, but I would like to understand what’s going on first.
Any hint, dev buddies?
Thank you!