Help -- Player Actor sometimes get's destroyed for no reason

Hi, I’m looking for some help for some really strange behavior of my project recently.
I found that sometime my player’s actor and its component sometimes got destroyed, I checked my entire blueprints and I couldn’t find anything “Destroy Actor” connected to the actor and its component.
Apparently it seems that when player character touching enemy AI might be the cause of it, though I have no idea what triggered it. Nothing in the logic is pointing to what I’m looking for.
Could it be collisions related to the physics that’s happening during the 2 actors collide?
if so, where should I be looking at?
It all seems so strange since things been working just fine till it happens and I didn’t alter anything related to the collision or the physics settings on the actors themselves.

Thanks in advance!!!

Hey @Guesscui2018!

So what behavior is happening to know that the player actor is being destroyed? What kind of player do you have exactly?

Also, you should be able to use Shift + F1 to eject from the player in the Play In Editor mode, then go to the World Outliner and seek out actors. If it was only moved, you should still be able to find it.

Maybe use that knowledge to eject, find it in the list, then re-attach, then try to get it to “Destroy” as it has been. If the actor is destroyed, it will actually be deleted from the list and you should be able to watch that happen (it’s a little slow, about a 2sec delay).

Maybe give that a shot and see how that goes? :slight_smile:

Thanks, will give it try~
I can confirm the player actor gets destroyed, because I added something in “OnDestroyed Event” - what I added successfully triggered when the behavior happens.
but really why something like this happen? I’m pretty sure I neither have destroy actor nodes or reset the actor’s location. My guts leads me to something related to the physics settings, maybe there’s something in those parameters I can adjust to get the actors to behave more stable? any hints? :slight_smile:

and plus, it’s not related to the kill z boundary, I set the value pretty low and it seems impossible for the player to reach it in almost any case.
It’s first time something like this happens and got me crach my head.

What happens to the player’s vision of the character? What does the camera do?

the camera just stay still since the moment the player gets destroyed.

Is it a default third person character?

The thing here is, two characters colliding will not cause something like this.
Physics volumes do not affect characters, and if you turn on physics you get ragdolling.

Let’s start by outlining everything you have done to deviate from the original template, (assuming you used one) instead. Sometimes it’s something you would think is totally innocent but having this and this instead of this and that might cause it.

Also you mentioned your kill Z is very low- how low are we talking? If something clips it can go insanely fast so it could hit that in no time.

Lastly- could you get video of this happening? Thanks! Hope to hear back soon!

Yes it’s a modified First Person Character from the template.
I’ve unchecked “Enable Physics Interaction” in player character’s collision parameters, and surprisingly the “bug” hasn’t happened again. I’ll continue testing and if I figure something out for certain I’ll make a post and get the thing recorded.

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