Hello everybody !
A little noob here seeking for help. I’ve decided, after following many official tutorials from UE4 YouTube Channel, repeated over and over those levels until I got the basics wrapped around my tiny brain, to create my own level. Despite that, I’m considering myself as an utter noob on the subject, and in top of that I’m french and struggle sometimes with some technical terms, which makes it fairly difficult right now to grasp all the words and shortcuts, etc, because omelette du fromage. But I’ve decided to create my very first “open” world level nonetheless. Let’s say it’s more like a landscape for our first prototype/demo of a game, actually… sounds better.
Making a forest in the mountains here, I’ve downloaded on the market a free pack from UE4 team in order to do so. (KiteDemo I believe it is called)
I’ve managed to create, sculpt the landscape, to put meshes and certainly to add foliages like I wanted so it begins to look all beautiful, worked like a charm. I’ve got grass and flowers and rocks and trees and more rocks and ****.
BUT, as for painting on top of my core landscape, I have a main problem with it.
See, on the Landscape Material, as a base for the entirety of the map, I’ve put Environments > GroundTiles > Grass > the M_Ground_Grass2. Very basic. But it permits me to see everything clearer. Now that I begun to work on a specific area and to go from there to extend, I want to perfect the area with adding more textures and make everything look more realistic, cool, etc…
But I’m unable to do find how to do that.
For more precision, here’s a concrete example :
I would want to paint in certain areas the M_AssetPlatform_Grass (Material) in order to diversify this mountain side. How do I proceed to make this miracle happen ?
Maybe you need to apply the texture from the same folder instead, but how do you do that also then ? I’ve tried to slide (like I did for the Landscape basic material, eh) those beauties everywhere but they won’t cooperate. **** you, GravelTile !
Thank you in advance for your kindness and answers.