Help on making a location animation of a drawer

Hi, I need help with this because it’s driving me crazy.

I have this BP for a drawer, my problem is that it doesn’t move forward

Either using the Root

Or the Actor(self)

The problem is that for some reason the forward vector function return 1 on Y instead of X.

The drawer static mesh is indeed turned 90° but the Root it’s not, you can also see it in the Arrow, I don’t know why ? I don’t get X as a return value

Calculate the start and end points first and store them in variables. Then go into the timeline. You’re sampling the drawer position during the TL which won’t work.

If you’re seeing no movement at all, then also put a print string here, to check the is actually being called



Worked like a charm, now I get how this works. Thanks

For anyone perhaps looking for the BP solution with open and close movement

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Nice :slight_smile: