Help needed

I would like to achieve the following:

  1. Drag a firstpersoncharacter into my scene.
  2. Start gameplay with that firstpersoncharacter.

Can someone tell me step-by-step how to do the above. It should only take a few steps.

I have been through almost 10 tutorials, and still couldn’t figure out how. The tutorials are very long and talks about spawning, possesing, gameplaymode, level blueprints etc, although they are useful concepts, they don’t specifically address the simple question above.

  • right now when i click play, the firstpersoncharacter is probably spawned. It doesn’t exist in the world outliner. Therefore limiting my ability to do things to it. For example, I want to use Sequence Recorder to record the character, but there simply ISN’T any way to record something which does not exist in the scene or world outliner.

You just need to auto possess the character in the details settings of the BP.

Thank you cyaoeu, it works!