Hello I’m trying to get the player pawn to orbit around a sphere in 3d space while still maintaining pitch control.
(basically, flying around a sphere and able to alter the path on that orbit with pitch alone)
I’m using the Find Look at Rotation from pawn to sphere, and applying that rotation oriented from the side of the pawn.
Everything seems to be working pretty well, but my issue is when I pitch positive or negative too much the whole thing freaks out and re-orients at a different pitch orientation.
(ordinary flying outside of this orbit works perfectly btw, with ability to do loops)
Anyone have the ability to help me with this?.. I’ve been stuck for a few days now and haven’t heard anything from either this or my forum post.
Additional info:
My vehicle is flying based off of the flying blueprint. Meaning it uses “add actor local offset” and “add actor local rotation.”
I’m simply overriding the regular add actor local rotation to use the one in the blueprint above.
and like I said before, ordinary flight is great, and the orbit actually works really well until I start pitching towards 90 up/down.
Hey there, I’d like to help, but your goal is not clear to me. Can you please explain the final outcome yo uwish to achieve? Maybe I can suggest an alternative.