Help! My dude dosen't shoot straight!

I’m making a simple side scroller shooter.
My bullets don’t shoot straight.
To simplify things I would like the rotation of the socket to match workspace, NOT
the position of the gun, is there a simple toggle that I have been missing?


I’m at work now, I’ll send screenshots as soon as I get home in about 8 hours!

Thanks in advance!

Hello! Can you share some code lines or Blueprint nodes, that are used?

Here is about as much as I can give.

These are some screenshots.
Hopefully There is an efficient solution,
else I might need to use box triggers

sorry about all the comments the forums didn’t like my message when I combined them into one post

I think you should Snap to Target while attaching the rifle to the player.
That way it will rotate riffle according to the socket

I’ll try that tonight, thank you!

I think I had a PEPCAC error. I apologize.
I realized my guy was jogging and carrying the rifle. I need to explore Animation Montages and get the upper half to fire when his lower half is still running etc.

I think I had a PEPCAC error. I apologize.
I realized my guy was jogging and carrying the rifle. I need to explore Animation Montages and get the upper half to fire when his lower half is still running etc.