Help Modifying the Mind Wipe Tonic

I want to modify how the Mind Wipe Tonic works and I have been running into a few hurdles that I hope someone reading this can help me with.

Currently the Mind Wipe Tonic seems to run a “DoRespec” function that:

  1. Maintains a characters accumulated experience
  2. Clears all engrams that have been learned by the character
  3. Clears all skill points that have been assigned by the character

I want to make a new version of the Mind Wipe Tonic that does #1 and #2 but not #3. My intention is to make an item that can be crafted at a very late stage in game (say level 90~) that allows a player to completely forget the engrams they have learned, while not needing to reassign their skill points. I see this as being really useful for Tribe builders on servers with engram constraints so a player could wipe their engrams, learn everything necessary to build out a greenhouse, and then after building the greenhouse they could re-use the item to learn whatever engrams their tribe might need them to know next.

Is there a way to do that? Is the way to do that to modify the DoRespec function? How do I modify the DoRespec function so that only engram points are reset and not also the character’s assigned skill points?

I have been looking in /Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/BaseBPs/PrimalItemConsumableRespecSoup

As it shows, the function in is ShooterPlayerState. You would have to modify ShooterPlayerState and create a core mod.

This also assumes that respect function is BP’d and not C++