Help me understand why Windows project wont open on Mac

I am completely new to Unreal so please forgive any silly questions in this.
I have to add audio to a racing game using FMOD. The car game level is based off of the ‘Vehicle Game’ module by Fab.
Everything works fine on the Windows computers within college but when I try to run the same project on my Mac at home, it tells me to rebuild VehicleGame module manually.
I have followed steps online regarding manually rebuilding modules through XCode but that hasn’t worked either.
Has anyone else had this issue? What can I try now?

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I am more mobile with my macbook than with my gaming pc and always work with both systems on the same project, currently switching back and forth between macbook and Windows PC for my c++ project.

Copy the project to your mac, then delete the folders ‘Intermediate’, ‘Binaries’ and ‘Saved’ folders. If you need to build the project manually you have to generate the project files for Xcode.

open terminal, enter the following command to change to directory with the command to generate project files (change the engine version in the path if needed):
cd /Users/Shared/Epic\ Games/UE_5.4/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac

generate pproject files with the following command (replace path or user and project name as needed):
sh ./ /Users/username/Documents/UnrealProjects/PROJECTNAME/PROJECTNAME.uproject -Editor PROJECTNAME

Open the ‘PROJECTNAME (Mac).xcworkspace’ with Xcode. On the top of the Xcode window set the target to ‘PROJECTNAMEEditor > My Mac’ and the click at ‘product/run’.

Edit: You may have to delete the ‘Binaries’ and ‘Intermediate’ folder in the plugin folder for FMOD as well, before re-generating the Xcode project files.

Yes absolutely. Also zipping up project from Editor is good move. Also don’t forget to copy plugins folder (Delete intermediate folders plugins folder too) Or use Epic launcher on mac too.