Help me understand UE Revision Control and the "Uncontrolled Changelist" in "View Changes"

Okay, so I have been using a UE and git for a while, but I haven’t used source control from the editor, other than a few years back when I used it a few times to compare specific blueprints to older versions.

I now tried setting up Revision Control in the editor for an ongoing project that has been using git already.
The thing I don’t understand is, after setting it up to use git and opening the “View Changes” window, I can see some little under 7000 changes under a “Default Uncontrolled Changelist”. Most, possibly all the changes appear to be from the engine itself, not even from the project. (i.e. not from the directory that the repository is located in)
When I created a new material instance and opened the “Submit Files” dialogue, I can see (only) the correct changes (i.e. tracked files) there, like I would expect.

What is the “View Changes” window then? What is the “Uncontrolled Changelist” and why are there thousands of engine files listed there?

Can I see a more useful changes list somewhere other than in the Submit changes dialogue?
Of course, I can still use git or GHD to see current changes like I have until now, but the reason I set this up in the editor is so that (among other things) I can see OFPA files listed with the actor name instead of just the random string filename I see in git.

Help? :slight_smile:

Fiddled a bit with it and everything is usable as is. I can just use the Submit dialogue. Most of the time, I will want to see the changes when I’m about to make a commit anyway. I will probably end up still using this in conjunction with GHD and git, but I can see this being useful. I would still like to know what is up with the “View Changes” window and the thousands of files there though…

I have 0 on this list,The truth is that it’s the first time I open that hahaha.
How you have your gitignore configured?
the mine is:

Another thing that I’m not clear on right now but I think you only upload things that are in the content folder. I think I once put a plugin and I had to upload it through the sourcetree
By the way, I do the first populate from the sourcetree, and the push with a .bat file

The Submit dialogue does indeed appear to only show (and presumably thus commit) changes in the Content folder, or at least, when I created a file in project root, it did not appear in the editor’s submit dialogue (though it did appear in git’s changes list).

My gitignore:

# Visual Studio 2015 user specific files

# Compiled Object files

# Precompiled Headers

# Compiled Dynamic libraries

# Fortran module files

# Compiled Static libraries

# Executables

# These project files can be generated by the engine

# Precompiled Assets

# Binary Files

# Builds

# Whitelist PakBlacklist-<BuildConfiguration>.txt files

# Don't ignore icon files in Build

# Built data for maps

# Configuration files generated by the Editor

# Compiled source files for the engine to use

# Cache files for the editor to use

# Don't ignore Plugin ThirdParty

Still confused about the “View Changes” window, as it doesn’t show the actual changes (or if it does, it’s among the thousands of random engine files in the “Default Uncontrolled Changelist”).

Those files aren’t even on the same disk as the repository and project, much less under the same directory for git to track.