Help me make a simple swinging gate thing, please

I’m ready to pay for this sort of help, please contact me.

So i have a little farm project going on, i just need to make those gates actually open. The plan is when you approach the gate and push it with you character it swings on the pivot point, and when you press “E” for example, it goes back to the origin position.

Hey there @FonRiz! Welcome to the community! So if you want a physics door that opens when you walk into it but closes on command, this tutorial by Ryan Laley should help out for the first half entirely and give an idea of the latter half. Basically this physics door closes on it’s own due to the angular motor set to swing. You could just have the physics motor change from SLERP to Swing when you hit E.

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I am a Senior Unreal Developer with a great working experience of 4+ years along with hands-on over Blueprints and C++. I have worked on many projects in the past and delivered them successfully.

I can assist you in making swinging gate thing as previoulsy I have worked on such things.

Here is my portfolio:
Neon Room :
Architectural Visualization :
Road King:
Hunger Strike:

Let’s get in touch to discuss the project in detail. Please update me with your time availability so that we can schedule a discussion.

Thanks & Regards,