Help me. How to set a target input to a boolean Set/Get variable node

I am following a tutorial by UNREAL ENGINE JOURNEY about spawning two actors from the level blueprint and I got to a point that he have a variable boolean target connected to the actor spawn node.

I try my best to set this up but I couldn’t get this to work. I understand that Target means I’m getting something from another blueprint like the player however set this up and what goes into what blueprint is kind of hard to understand for me.

Something like:
Get PlayerPawn > cast to “your player blueprint” > as that player blueprint, set your variable.
It’s not going to be helpful for me to understand.

i’d pause the tutorial you are on and look for some others that explain key concepts.

try the Learning section over on the left tab. There is a lot of good quality tutorials there. Look for 101 programming and blueprints which explain concepts like references, actors, classes and instances. Might look up “blueprint communication” on the official epic youtube channel as well.

after you look at some of those, then also look up object oriented programming.

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Just to make sure if I at the same page. you want me to search “101 programming and blueprints” in the Learning section? I asked this because I searched with 101 and I didn’t really get anything, but when I search only “programming and blueprints” I was given a few options and I wasn’t really sure if this was the right direction you trying to lead me to.

sorry, 101 is sort of jargon which just means “beginner” or “getting started” or “first hour”. anything in that category. the good thing about a lot of the tutorials they collect here is that many come from epic and explain fundamental concepts correctly.

Oh, then just search up programming and blueprints right? I see a lesson from Co-author Mathew Wadstein and the link there took me to a shop to download the actual lesson I think? Sorry. I’m new to this and not really sure if I’m on the right direction when it comes to downloading something.

if there is a download involved that might be an example project to follow along with. Those can be handy but you might not need to actually download it in order to watch and follow along.

Here’s a bunch of tutorials from the learning section may be good for a beginner and also some documentation with further links:
Programming and Scripting | Epic Developer Community (
:file_folder: Your First Hour in Unreal Engine 5.0 Overview - Your First Hour in Unreal Engine 5.0 (
:file_folder: Hour of Code: Unreal Engine - Create Your First 3D Game - Hour of Code: Unreal Engine - Build Your First 3D Game (
Unreal Engine Blueprint - Is Valid Check | Epic Developer Community (
Unreal Engine Essentials for Games - Unreal Engine Essentials for Games | Onboarding Collection (
BeginPlay | Epic Developer Community (
:file_folder: Blueprint Communication Overview - Blueprint Communication (

the blueprint communications one in particular will likely clear up a lot of your questions.

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Thanks I will look into it. Is it okay if I come back here if I need anything else?

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yes, that’s what the forum is for so people can share knowledge.

its best to make one thread per question and keep questions focused on a single thing and also spend some time searching the forums for similar question first because most common beginner questions have already been answered a trillion times, so its just quicker for you to find the information that way, rather than wait on anybody to answer.

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I made a reference sheet with some diagrams here:

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Thanks for putting time into this

Hey. I am having an issue with 4. Creating Reusable Blueprints from Blueprint Communication. I did everything that I was told to do but the trigger was not responding to my player