Help me figure out what is going on. Please and Thank you. [Landscape and Material]

This is the Material I am having problems with, Particularly in the Landscape paint mode.

The Grass Texture is the default you get with the starter content and when the Material is placed normally the Micro and macro variation is much more detailed however, when done through the landscape material it is a very clear repeat pattern and almost looks plastic. The textures of the paint layers don’t appear as they would when simply applied normally as they do when they are painted on.

Secondly, the application of the Paint Layers is in Quads no matter how small the brush is it paints a whole quad on the Terrain(This also seems to happen when doing a Landscape Material hole). Also, just a side note there is no fall off regardless of what I set the adjustable slider to.

Lastly, anything that gets painted on the Grass layer goes black excluding the Dirt layer, anything painted on the dirt layers turns out fine except for randomly not painting over and leaving a small square with the dirt texture still in place(Note inside the red circle depicting what I mean.) (Grass Layer Weighted weighted 1.0) (Dirt Layer Height Blend 0.0 weight) (Rock layer Alpha blend 0.0 weight)

Any help is greatly appreciated, Please and Thank You.

Hi there, did you ever figure out how to fix the issue with quads in paint layers? I am experiencing the same problem and can’t find any info on how to solve it.