Help me acces this actionscript variable

So i’ve got a struct in actionscript

//Description , called when weapons has been chosen 
		     public function ChooseTheWeapons():void
	            var Weapons:Object = {	//not including the number because it would be the array num 
				GladClass: gladclassos.selectedIndex,			
	 			GladArmour: gladarmouros.selectedIndex
			//Add the graphical strign
			WeaponsChosen = Weapons; 


WeaponsChosen is and i want to acces it from code unreal script, for no this is not a ultra big problem since i use the array that works but if i want to use WeaponsChosen wich is a struct i can’t i don’t know how to acces it

this is the code i tried to use to acces it, but it accesses none


GFxObject  WeaponsChosen; 

WeaponsChosen = ChooseYourWeapons.GetObject("WeaponsChosen");  

But it acceses none is there a way around to acces a struct ? If it was a just a boolean or a float it would be just GetFloat, but in this case it doesen’t work. so i have to use a array.

I don’t know how you would access a struct from ActionScript. I would suggest creating a similar struct in UnrealScript, make a variable of that struct, then send the members of the struct individually.