HELP: Intro video plays before the Main Menu

Hey guys! I have a problem that seems really stupid but I can’t find the solution. I have a main menu level that is set up in the project settings and coded to be the first level to appear. But somehow, when I run the game, the main menu appears just a second and ithen the intro video of the upcoming level plays on it. Once the video is over, then the main menu appears again and when I click “play” it shows the intro video once more.

This is driving me crazy, I don’t get why is playing the video twice, plus doing it before or on the main menu blueprint.


Playing twice? Make sure to try a do it once node and have it working.

As for loading before, is this video in a widget right?

I imagine you are creating the widget and adding to view port off of event begin play in the level bp?

Try this, make an actor blueprint and then in it come off begin play and add the widget, drag it into your level. Then in the level bp remove that logic and see what happens.

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It worked! :smiley: I did a bp with the widget and placed it in the level with the begin play coded just like you said, and the problem is gone!! Now the video plays once you get in the level and not before the main menu. Thank you so much!

Yw, glad I could help.

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