Help icons colour code

What is the meaning of the different colours of the icons in the help section?

Götz Echtenacher wrote:

What is the meaning of the different colours of the icons in the help section?

I have forgotten it and cannot find the explanation now. It was not so straightforward as one would expect.

Thanks for looking anyway!
It was itching me since a while but just never important enough…

I personally respond to such differences and it rather confuses me if there is no proper meaning.
Do you think it would be worthwile to spend a couple minutes and find some way that makes sense?

I would volunteer for that… :geek:

Götz Echtenacher wrote:

Thanks for looking anyway!
It was itching me since a while but just never important enough…

I personally respond to such differences and it rather confuses me if there is no proper meaning.
Do you think it would be worthwile to spend a couple minutes and find some way that makes sense?

I would volunteer for that… :geek:

Well, if it makes you happy, definitely go for it :wink:

All righty then!
Just need a quiet moment for the muse to strike me… :mrgreen:

Götz Echtenacher wrote:

All righty then!
Just need a quiet moment for the muse to strike me… :mrgreen:

Cool notice Götz :slight_smile: