Help, I cant get custom trace to launch collision events

My character shoots a trace from custom channel, that should launch an event when it makes a hit or overlaps a collision box I have set on another character.
But it wont generate to hit/overlap events, no matter what I try.

I have set the receiving end, the collision box, to block the trace from my custom channel and to generate hit/overlap events.
And in testing, it does stop the trace as supposed.
So the collision settings seem to work as intended. But I cannot get them to launch collision events of any kind.
I can make the trace itself spawn effects etc at the hit area, but I cannot get the collision box in the other blueprint to reach as it would reach to any other form of
meshes/collision objects.

How can this be so hard for me :frowning: ?

I couldnt get traces to make hit events no matter what I tried, so I made a solution of spawning an tiny small extra collision BP at the hit location of the trace, which then properly collides with the
objects I want and launches the events. Feels a bit silly but works for now at least. If someone has answer to the traces not generating hit events Id still like to hear about it though!

A trace isn’t the same as collision it doesn’t generate overlap events. If it hits something, you should check if it has hit the character and if so, call a function/event in that character.

For example, you make a custom event or function in your character called, OnTraceHit or whatever, make it do whatever you want (Or just plug it into whatever OnOverlap is currently doing), then in your trace you check if the hit actor is your character, if so you cast it to your character and then call the event by dragging out from the result and just typing the name.

A better way of doing it would be with Interfaces, as you wouldn’t have to cast, and if you add more actors that can be traced like that, they just have to implement the interface too

I see I see, traces are more for reading something from their hit location, not for sending information to that point…? I keep the casting workaround in my mind if I need it later, same for blueprint interfaces.
Blueprint interfaces probably would be the best way to go as you say.

For now though- it seems that my current spawning mesh does it work well though, as I will set up a particle to spawn at that hit location anyway, so I can just as well spawn the collision at that spot too and just apply
all the elements I want under that one simple blueprint.