[HELP] Graphics and placement issues


I’ve tried making a map according to a turtorial I found on youtube. I’m stuck at the water plane and water post processing volumes.

  • The water plane glitches when I add it to my own map. It flickers and turns grey when I move the camera. Works fine when I load up TheIsland. No glitching when I play the map.
  • I can’t figure out how to align the water plane with the physics and post processing volume. I.e. the water sound and movement start too early or too late.
  • When I add blendables to the water post processing volume it turns black.

I’ve double checked all the settings to make sure they’re the same as in TheIsland/the tutorial. I hope someone can help me

Yours truly

I can assist you

  1. Make sure you painted your landmass. All grass works
  2. You should set your LOCATION Z to like -14000 to start
  3. Look for a “silver” line that runs your entire landmass, or, dark areas in the paint. Thats showing you “ocean level”
  4. Once the water is set, right on that line, best you can … lay the rest and try to size it up
  5. Top left “perspective” > change it to “side”
  6. You can use arrow keys to small adjust

… or

Open the Island map

copy bp_islandwaterplane + volume + postprocess > open your map > paste