HELP! Game doesn't work when testing in "Standalone Game" and Level "Event Begin Play" node is dead.


I’ve come to a frustrating point in the development of my game. Up until now everything was working fine when testing the game in “Standalone Game” mode. All of a sudden it stopped working and the game sits idle in the opening level with nothing happening and my player character can not be controlled. I’ve tried to locate what could be wrong, but with no luck.

I’ve connected a print string to the player and level “Event Begin Play” Event nodes, but these are dead and do not respond when the game is loaded. Normally these should fire when the game is loaded up.

The funny thing is that when testing in “New Editor Window (PIE)” mode, everything works fine with no issues.

I really do not know how to trouble shoot this. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.


Event tick occurs? The game may be stuck in an infinite loop, or (more likely) assets are being reloaded when Statdalone Game is launched, you may just have to wait. How much RAM does your level take up in Size Map? If the size is a gigabyte or more, this may take several tens of seconds.

Also, is the shader compilation message visible on the screen?