Hello all,
I am posting this today as I hope to be able to find resources to help me learn how to use UE 4 4.10 and higher. I bought a MMOKit from one of the guys here in Content creation about a year ago now. The dev of that kit has been a saint to me. Teaching me all kinda of things. From how to set up the engine from git hub, to well, lets just say everything. I went back and I have 22 pages of chat in skype with him with issues. I would like to say, the kit has not been at fault for any issue I have had. Oh, maybe a typo in his docs now and then. Or his explanation “assumed prior knowledge” and I have had to ask for clarification.
All in all, the kit and the maker have been extraordinary.
Now, on to may gig. A couple days ago, I asked the maker of the kit, to look at my logic to make a button open a user created content widget on the screen. What I had was not working. I asked him for links to learn from so I get better in event viewer. He gave me this… and said “It should work”
I have spent hours… trying to unravel this puzzle. I understand the onclick to get the red button. But, I cannot find the white arrow “Toggle” … “Target is draggable window” settings… I right click in the graph section of the editor. I type “Toggle” or “Target is dragg” and for target I cannot find anything that has the white arrow to the left of the word target. In the past, I have been able to puzzle stuff out by using the symbol to the left to get me started. Right clicking in graph and typing “Target is dragg” and looking for the white arrow has same result. I also have tried looking for “Target” but, since it has no symbol I have come up with zero for all three that way.
I have tried brute force. By not typing anything after right click in event, I just started clicking on sections arrows and going down thru each section looking for white arrows or “Target is draggable” or the cog symbol for MMOinstance. All failed.
I won’t post all of the links I have poked thru… understanding a little. Most… left scratching my head. What I am hoping the community with be able to help me with is. The term the white arrow box is, what the “Target <thing> (like Draggable windows) is. And the term for the Cog MMOinstance is.
Hey Epic! Is there a glossary ??
I am not looking for anyone to build anything. Help in understanding the gizmos would be great. And how to find them.
Thank you for reading this.
< Edit> After poking around some more… I have taken FullUI, Inventory and Draggable window and pulled them down to my Hierarchy (They were in “user created content” and I now see them under event on the left side under variables. But… when I pull them over they only give me set and get. And neither of those look like the ones listed in the above picture.
For everything to work well you should get the MMOInstance node which I cannot remember what the type node/term this is… drag the blue pin and then write “DraggableWindow” and choose “Get DraggableWindow” (the other nodes should come automatically). If this is not working, then get the nodes sequentially - MMOInstance > drag blue pin, write “FullUIWidget”, get it > drag blue pin from the “FullUIWidget”, write “Inventory”, get it > etc until DraggableWindow, then drag the blue pin from the “DraggableWindow”, type “Toogle” and you will get the “Toogle” event. Make sure to tick the “ContexSensitive” box on the search panel (the one that comes out when you right click inside the blueprint)
Everything I described above should happen inside the CustomWidget you have made. The widget where you can create that red button node.
“Toogle” is a Custom event, you can find more information about custom events here: CustomEvent
To have a better understanding on how you can use custom events take a look on “BlueprintCommunication” related guides/tutorials where you will find information on useful things like “EventDispatchers”, Casting etc.
I think you should begin with this playlist from Epic to have better understanding how blueprints works and how you can use them: BlueprintIntroduction
For the gizmos, do you mean the Move, Rotate and Scale gizmos or? If you dont know about those types gizmos you are learning things in wrong order in my opinion. You will someday need to 3d model some stuff in 3D applications like 3dsmax or Blender and you will be stuck with your game for a long time, because it takes a time to learn properly a 3d application and to understand the knowledge that comes with it.
If you are planing to work professionally in the game industry you should learn first some 3D application, so you can model stuffs and a lot more things like UVW Unwrapping (which is very important for lightmaps inside UE4) and after that UE4.
I was looking in the engine for a cog. Please refer to pic listed above. The cog is in the MMOinstance.
Since I could not find a cog icon anyplace, I went looking for it in other blueprints. I found one. It was late, I was tired. And double clicked the mmoinstance I found. It opened up. Much to my surprise.
And it had in it icons I had seen before. The Green F and the “cast to” Input and Output was new to me though. I then noticed MMOinstance with cog said it was a macro on the left side of the screen.
So, I went back to my BP and saw I had macros listed there. So, I added one. Opened it, and saw Input and Output and it was empty. I went back to the one I had double clicked and copied the two pieces inside it to my macro. When I closed my macro. I had a widget with a cog and I was on my way… I added my on click from my button. Result 2 pieces that look right from the pic I was sent. (The one listed above.)
I could not figure out how to get a oval that said “Target Fullwidget” and have two blue wire points. My inventory that was listed on the left side of the design screen was pulled over into the eventgraph. It had one blue wire point. I had read somewhere to control drag stuff from the right. So, I did that. I could choose set or get and neither of those gave me what was listed in the pic.
I pulled a wire from the blue wire point of MMOinstance. I then typed the would full in the search space. Again I could choose get or set. I clicked on “get fulliu” and BLAMMO it appears in the event window, with 2 blue wire points. I went back and did the same thing and selected set. That gave me something different from when I pulled the same value from the left side of the screen. And different from when I control pulled the same value. NO IDE why…
I now understand how to build macros. But not why. Anyone with a link to help out. And I am confused why pulling a value from the left or control pulling that value is different from using a wire from a widget and typing in the values name. I would REALLY like to understand that. Teaching link Anyone?
Sorry for the very late answer.
Macro is to “automate” things that you use often or make things simpler and easy to follow (think of it like collapse nodes feature in blueprint editor). Link1Link2Link3
For the rest I cannot help you because I need to have the MMO package you bought to see how the owner made things.
But I think you are going the wrong way in learning blueprints. I strongly suggest you to begin with the basics of blueprints, also it will be very useful for you to learn what “variable” is and the different types of values (Integer, Float, Boolean etc) because its actually programming, its different (visual programming) but the logic is the same. You can download from the learn tab in the launcher “Content Examples” and go to the blueprints maps. There are a lot examples of blueprints and how they are used.
And more importantly I suggest you to begin to make your own blueprints by searching on google (Unreal engine 4 blueprint how to make inventory, for example) and doing it. This way you will learn muuch faster how to do things with blueprints and when you learn enough you can go back to use the MMO blueprints that you bought or just continue with your own logic. There are also some paid courses on the net for learning blueprints too, you can search for them thought I have never seen them, so be careful what you pay for.