help for upload a mod

first sorry for my bad english
me and my friends try to make an armored-saddle mod for rex with custom meshs and textures, we make the mod on ark dev kit and test it with “play” it work good, but when we upload it on steam and test it in game (local) it doesn’t work at all, do you have somme advice or any solutions please?

we make the item and add all blueprint at the right place in the gameprimaldatabase_genericmod


First, let’s make sure these two settings are set in your MAP used for COOKING. (Under word settings of that map. Notice I am using the TEST MAP for this example, BUT my cooking map (which is the generic mod map renamed to ScientistClass_Mod) has the exact same settings.

Once those two are correct. Let’s check the COOKING MOD Settings:


This tab, the Maps Input, must be named to the EXACT map used for your mod. In this case mine is ScientistClass_Mod.

If that map has the proper settings in the world tab above and is named correctly here - it will cook the entire mod.

IF NOT - you will get a cook without errors - but nothing is produced.

Hope these help a little.

Some of the basics that are overlooked. Hope it helps!