Help for modeling from spherical images.

I am testing RC to obtain a 3d model from some city roads using some spherical images taken from a car. The original images are taken from 6 cameras and then processes into a equirectangular panorama.
For what I have read in the forums they were working on spherical panoramas support, but is not implemented yet. Then I understand that I would have to work with the six cameras before processing.
I would like to ask the best option to do so.

I have test as input the unprocessed images from all the cameras but the up one.
I have some doubts:
• It is possible to import the orientation of each camera? I know that a flight log with the coordinates can be imported, but can I import also the heading of each camera for better results? Looking at the image alignment I think it is not as good as it could be.
• Would be better to try to solve the distortions of the fisheye lens before importing?

Any tip or help would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much.



Hi Lophius

• It is possible to import the orientation of each camera? I know that a flight log with the coordinates can be imported, but can I import also the heading of each camera for better results? Looking at the image alignment I think it is not as good as it could be.

You could create XML parser and import even camera orientation in RC

• Would be better to try to solve the distortions of the fisheye lens before importing?

In many cases not necessary but it depend on how strong is the distortion ( its a ASPHERICAL lens or ? )

There could be another eventually more elegant way to get the data in RC, its possible to get sample data for inspection ?? (say 50-100 meter distance )
Hope you capture the data in RAW…

Wishgranter wrote:

Hi Lophius

• It is possible to import the orientation of each camera? I know that a flight log with the coordinates can be imported, but can I import also the heading of each camera for better results? Looking at the image alignment I think it is not as good as it could be.

You could create XML parser and import even camera orientation in RC

• Would be better to try to solve the distortions of the fisheye lens before importing?

In many cases not necessary but it depend on how strong is the distortion ( its a ASPHERICAL lens or ? )

There could be another eventually more elegant way to get the data in RC, its possible to get sample data for inspection ?? (say 50-100 meter distance )
Hope you capture the data in RAW…

Hello Wishgranter,

Thank you very much for the fast response.

I will have a look at help file for the XML parser and try to import.

It is not aspherical lens, the sensor of the camera is a 5MP with a fisheye lens, f/2.8 and only shoots with jpg format. So I’m limited about this.

I could send some images to you to have a look, no problem. Let me prepare some and will send.