Hi everyone !
I’m new into UE4, and I’m working on an Architectural Project in Paris (such a big project). My boss asked me to do an ArchViz. At the begining, I worked on 3ds max, but when plants, trees and grass went on, it became impossible to render fast enough to finish before the deadline, so I chose UE because I heard and saw great things on it. I would like to notice that the mostpart of the work on 3ds max is done, if I can’t achieve my goal on UE.
The scene is created by the architects on Revit, I’ve exported the entire scene in .fbx, then i went into 3ds max. I know that i need to unwrap to have a good lightmap for UE. The problem is the number of meshes. It’s about 9000… So I attached similar walls, windows… together in one object. And I do a flatten mapping for this new object (i have about 100 meshes now).
But here is the problem, with this complicated meshes, collisions in UE don’t work well, and i need your help.
I attached you a screenshot of an example of a single mesh without collision boxes.
I searched on other threads how to do collisions, and I retained Auto Convex Collision, i put Accuracy and Max vertex at maximum, it take some time but at this point, it’s not a problem… But the result is quite bad, collision meshes seem to be enough but when I hit play, I’m blocked very far from the object (see screenshot for collision meshes, i’m blocked as far as you can see in the editor, but when i hit play, obviously. Can’t upload the screenshot, don’t know why).
Is it normal ? because if i don’t use collision, I can see through object when i’m pretty close (I don’t know if this is caused by the bad lightmaps, and if it will be corrected when i would achieve to correct the lightmaps). I don’t have the time to put thousands box collision by hand, and I don’t want to, but at the end it will be my last solution… ^^ Is there a colision box for the view we used by default when we hit play ? maybe i could reduce it, if someone knows something about it.
I would like to precise, that i reduce my objects which are very big (reality scale) to move faster and easier in the view.
Or may i use just a camera to move around, last solution too, but i’m affraid to see through walls.
If you need more screenshots, more details, tell me
Sorry for all the questions and my english, and thanks if you can help me !