Help fixing camera glitching bug in game

So I’m new to game dev, just recently started, so pardon if my question seems very self-explanatory to 90% of y’all lol

Anyways, I just got done making a “real” first-person camera for my game. Basically what I did was go to a third person map, edit the blueprint to move the camera to the head, attach it to the head, etc etc until I had a true first person camera, also saves on having to make a separate camera animations

Anyways, this caused a weird bug where when I walk into a wall, I can see through the wall. I’m pretty sure I know why this is happening, but I’m not very sure on how to fix it, since, as I said previously, I’m a newbie

(FYI, I use blueprints, in case coding is involved to fix it)

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Did you try with Clip pane? How to Fix Objects Clipping Through Camera (Near Clip Plane) in Unreal Engine 5 | Community tutorial

You might need to setup proper collision such that the camera doesnt go through specific object.

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You have placed the camera too far in front of your character, or the character doesn’t have a big enough collision volume, or the wall doesn’t have an accurate collision.

In general, you’ll want to place the camera 10 centimeters behind the neck of the character, and then mark the character as not rendering for this camera, when switchin first-person / third-person. You may also set the character mesh to “not visible in game” although this will also turn off body shadows, which might be a problem.