F1 seems to do nothing and HELP at the WORKFLOW ribbon dose nothing as well…
hello, you may need to use other keyboard keys pressed together with the F1 button in order to make it work (to activate the function keys) - this is usually the case with notebook keyboards - for example Fn + F1
I am trying to figure out how to align two components that i Have in the same file
but I can’t get the help to work.
If it want not align and not even ALIGNMENT settings can solve it, then its highly possible that the data are not very well captured and they missing required overlap. then you need to use ControlPoints or add images to fill the missing areas. There is no magic setting that can solve it just by enabling it.
F1 seems to do nothing and HELP at the WORKFLOW ribbon dose nothing as well…
hello, you may need to use other keyboard keys pressed together with the F1 button in order to make it work (to activate the function keys) - this is usually the case with notebook keyboards - for example Fn + F1
I don’t use a laptop I have full keyboard, no function key.
like I said the HELP button in the ALIGNMENT ribbon is not doing anything also
I am trying to figure out how to align two components that i Have in the same file
but I can’t get the help to work.
If it want not align and not even ALIGNMENT settings can solve it, then its highly possible that the data are not very well captured and they missing required overlap. then you need to use ControlPoints or add images to fill the missing areas. There is no magic setting that can solve it just by enabling it.
Thanks Milos, could very well be that my capture is not good enough,
I managed to align those two components in another program
so I will try and learn the alignment in RC better.
However can’t get the help files to work, this is what i actually need help with.